Google Discover to help identify possible fall in stock value

Currently, the search engine giant Google is experimenting with the app by displaying stock notifications at the top of a user’s feed.

Without having to hunt for it, Google Discover makes it easy to get essential information at a glance.

Even if it isn’t for everyone, it is still a fantastic way to find new material and stay up with current events. However, it is ineffective when it comes to keeping track of your stocks.

Fortunately, the app is now in beta testing a new feature that will display stock alerts and scores at the top of the screen.

Google Discover to offer scrollable banners with stock info

According to XDA Developers, some Google Discover users have begun to notice a banner over normal cards. The scrollable banner contains useful information such as weather, stock alerts, and sports scores. When you scroll to the right, you’ll notice a “+” button that lets you choose which cards you wish to view.

If a user doesn’t care about sports or stocks, he/she may limit the banner to simply show the weather forecast, which will then be expanded to span the whole screen width and display other information such as humidity.

Relevant information now accessible more quickly

Without needing to browse to the Snapshot section, any information one chooses will now appear immediately on the Discover screen. More significantly, Google Pixel smartphone owners will be able to get vital data right from their launcher without having to open the Google app.

This new UI isn’t widely accessible yet, but it might be part of Google’s revamped Discover UI for Android 12.

This hasn’t been seen on any devices, which might indicate that it’s still under development and won’t be widely available very soon. It is, nevertheless, encouraging to see Google striving to improve its Discover screen, allowing consumers to quickly access more relevant information.

Customize what you find in Google Discover

Pertinently, the Google Discover app already offered updates about users’ interests, such as one’s favourite sports team or news site, without having to hunt for them using Discover.

One could customize the sorts of updates he/she sees in Discover, whether using the Google app or surfing the web on phone. However, not all languages and countries will have access to all of these capabilities.

Aasif Ganaie

Aasif is a journalist and a news enthusiast based in Jammu & Kashmir. He voyages to explore and uncover the stories More »
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