Nitin Gadkari has a valid point on why Congress shouldn’t lose heart

Senior BJP leader and Union Minister Nitin Gadkari has opined that a strong Congress party is necessary for democracy.

The fall of the Congress party in the political arena of India has been debated threadbare by almost everyone who have been watching the descend of the grand old party from its pinnacle. The recent times had seen the party plummet in popularity, giving much more confidence and strength to its arch rival, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

For the average Indian, the fall of the Congress party that has happened over the years presents a peculiar situation. And this is nothing but the absence of a strong Opposition to the Bharatiya Janata Party.

A strong Opposition is what keeps democracy rolling and the absence of such an opposition has rendered the democracy weaker, feel many a politically- aware individual who are in the know of things that happen in the political spectrum of the country.

Well-minded Congress leaders have been striving hard to keep the party afloat. However, a sinking ship it has turned out to be, of late, and that could in the long term mean the disappearance of a balancing force in the political horizon of India. Though not much effort has been coming about to make the party gain in strength, the attempts continue, though without the much-needed focus.  

Nitin Gadkari wants the Congress to stay strong

The situation that the Congress has been in, in recent times, has prompted even a BJP top leader to visualise and dread an era without the grand old party. Senior BJP leader and Union Minister Nitin Gadkari has opined that a ‘strong Congress party is necessary for democracy’.

Gadkari, as per a report, is of the opinion that a weakened Congress meant regional parties taking up the opposition space, which was “not a good sign”.  The BJP leader has also said that it is his “sincere wish” that the Congress, battered by serial election losses, became stronger. He has also cautioned that Congress leader not to switch sides in despair, and instead provide the much needed impetus to make it stronger with their presence in the party.

Talking at a session organised as part of the Lokmat journalism awards this Saturday, Gadkari stated that the government in power and the Opposition are the two wheel that keep the system going. And that, indeed is the importance of a strong Opposition. Adding that a strong Opposition is a need for democracy, he wished that the Congress party should become stronger.

BJP and its Congress-mukt Bharat slogan

Nitin Gadkari also called upon the Congress leaders not to lose heart over the election losses. Leaders should stay with the party and not switch sides in despair, he added.

That brings one to the BJP’s oft quoted Congress-mukt Bharat slogan. A party leader, and a senior one at that, wishing to see a stronger Congress and a capable Opposition may not be in tune with his party’s beliefs. Gadkari may not be someone to shun the party’s slogan and motto. But he has proved himself to be a gentleman politician with his words of advice for the rival his party wats to eliminate from the face of Bharat. And, for that, Gadkari deserves respect.

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Sanjeev Ramachandran

A journalist with 23 years of experience, Sanjeev has worked with reputed media houses such as Business Standard, The Ne More »
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