Nature & Science
Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh announces the launching of CSIR’s “One Week, One Lab” countrywide campaign from 6th January 2023
Dr Jitendra Singh, who is also the Vice President of CSIR (Council of Scientific & Industrial Research), today announced the launching of the "One Week One Lab" countrywide campaign from 6th January 2023
Indian scientists developed a thermostatic variety of insulin, which is easy to carry and has a longer shelf-life
The thermostatic insulin variety uses peptides from human bodies to revert the aggregation process when it is not stored in the refrigerator, says Scientist Partha Chakrabarti in an exclusive chat with Digpu News A team
Study finds new way of predicting COVID-19 vaccine efficacy
This way has the potential to dramatically cut development times for new vaccines, by measuring neutralising antibody levels as a 'proxy' for immune protection from COVID-19
Scientists develop new brain sensor to offer Alzheimer’s answers
“The new method points out Alzheimer’s defects in the unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution, defining the precise targets for medicine Scientists at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have
David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian win the Nobel Prize 2021 in Medicine for groundbreaking work
David Julius and Ardem Patapoutian won the 2021 Nobel Prize (Medicine) to discover touch and temperature receptors for helping us to perceive the changing world