G7 Leaders Commit to Global Unity and Action in Apulia Summit

Focus on Ukraine Support, Gaza Peace Plan, African Development, and Climate Initiatives

Key highlights include a $50 billion aid package for Ukraine

Apulia, Italy – The G7 Leaders’ Summit in Apulia has culminated in a robust communiqué addressing a multitude of global challenges. The leaders reaffirmed their unity and commitment to democratic principles, international law, and multilateral cooperation. Key highlights include a $50 billion aid package for Ukraine, a comprehensive plan for Gaza’s peace process, and significant initiatives aimed at sustainable development and infrastructure in Africa. The summit also emphasized the importance of addressing climate change, gender equality, and the regulation of artificial intelligence.

Support for Ukraine 

The G7 leaders, in the presence of President Zelenskyy, pledged unwavering support for Ukraine, committing approximately $50 billion through the immobilized Russian sovereign assets to aid in reconstruction and defense against Russian aggression. The leaders condemned Russia’s actions and vowed to hold it accountable for the damages exceeding $486 billion.

Peace Initiative for Gaza 

The G7 endorsed a plan proposed by President Biden, aiming for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, the release of hostages, and a pathway to a two-state solution. The leaders called for increased humanitarian assistance and urged Hamas to comply with international law.

African Partnerships 

The summit underscored the importance of equitable partnerships with African countries, announcing the launch of the Energy for Growth in Africa initiative and reaffirming support for the African Continental Free Trade Area. The leaders pledged to invest in sustainable infrastructure and address food security through the Apulia Food Systems Initiative.

Climate and Gender Equality 

Reiterating their commitment to combating climate change, the G7 leaders announced plans to submit ambitious climate goals and reduce methane emissions. They also committed to unlocking $20 billion over three years to promote women’s empowerment globally.

Artificial Intelligence and Economic Resilience

The leaders agreed on an action plan for AI in the workplace, promoting safe and inclusive technological advancements. They also emphasized the need for resilient supply chains and economic security, pledging to strengthen the international trading system.

The communiqué reflects the G7’s collective resolve to tackle pressing global issues through cooperation, innovation, and strategic investments, aiming for a more stable, prosperous, and equitable world.

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