Why QUAD can never become a forum like NATO
QUAD comprises four nations – India, Australia, Japan and the United States.
The foundation for QUAD was laid in 2007 when the idea was first mooted by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe in 2007. However, the idea did not find any takers since the US was involved in the Gulf War and did not want another front to be opened against China. Even if the countres involved may not admit it, QUAD or ‘Quadrilateral Security Dialogue’, was born as a forum to check Chinese expansion. It comprises four nations – India, Australia, Japan and the United States.
Although the military cooperation did not reach the levels of NATO, the group ultimately hopes to bring the association to the same level where an attack on any member will be considered an attack on the others – just like what the NATO has as its mission. However, there are many challenges to this ultimate goal.
NATO – A product of Cold War
The birth of NATO can be attributed to the Cold War when Western Europe was in danger of being overrun by a surging Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact nations. The protagonists and antagonists were clearly defined. However, the same cannot be applied to QUAD and its supposed adversary, China. Trade ties between China and the QUAD members are worth billions of dollars and they are mutually beneficial. Neither country will try to upset the present position.
India is the weakest link in QUAD
India is the weakest link in the QUAD forum. It has always touted an independent line of foreign policy, based on its own interests. It withstood pressure from the US to break ties with Iran, but also maintains equally cordial relations with Saudi Arabia and also Israel.
It was one of the prime reasons for Australia, UK and the US to form an alliance which will enable Australia to get nuclear powered submarines to ward off Chinese threat. India will never toe the US line as its allies did or would let it be forced by the US and its enormous clout. Finally, it can be said that the US has failed to get India into a pro US /hostile China position. The UK, the US and Australia alliance has antagonized France and it has even started dialogue with India. It would be in India’s interest to stay away from the power games of the big players, like it had done in the past.