Amrullah Saleh says ‘Afghanistan is too big for Pakistan to swallow, too big for Taliban to govern’
Afghanistan is once again in chaos. On Thursday, Afghanistan Vice President Amruallah Saleh, who has recently declared himself the caretaker President after the Taliban takeover tweeted, “Afghanistan is too big for Pakistan to swallow and too big for Talibs to govern.”
Lion of Panjsher valley, Ahmad Shah Massoud
Amruallah Saleh is a protégé of the legendary Lion of Panjsher valley, Ahmad Shah Massoud. Ahmad Shah Massoud and his followers, including Uzbeks, Tajiks, and Hazaras, have always resisted the occupation. First, the Soviets and then an equally brutal Taliban regime forced Ahmad Shah Massud and his followers into the Panjshir mountains situated in the Northernmost part of Afghanistan.
Ahmad Shah Massud and Uzbek Warlord Abdul Rashid Dostum formed the Northern Alliance, which fought relentlessly against the Taliban. The group had tacit support from India, Iran, and the Central Asian Republics. Predominantly Shia Iran always abhorred the extreme Sunni Wahabi form of Islam practiced by the Taliban.
Ahmed Shah Massud was assassinated by suicide bombers sent by the Taliban in 2001. After the September 2001 WTC bombing by Al Qaeda and the subsequent American invasion of Afghanistan was primarily aided by the forces of the Northern Alliance.
Situation Back To Square One
The situation today is erringly similar to the situation in 2000 when the Taliban was in control of Afghanistan. Much water has flown since the fall of the Taliban and subsequent Government of Hamid Karzai and Ashraf Ghani. Saleh has been organizing support to resist the Taliban.
In a series of tweets, he also expressed his respect for those who carried the national flag and stood for the nation’s dignity.
Ahmad Massoud son of the legendary Ahmad Shah Massoud
The resistance against the Taliban is spearheaded by Ahmad Massoud, son of the legendary Ahmad Shah Massoud. He is the leader of the National Resistance Front of Afghanistan.
In an article published by Washington Post, Ahmad Massoud said –”I write from the Panjshir Valley today, ready to follow in my father’s footsteps, with mujahideen fighters who are prepared to take on the Taliban once again. We have stored ammunition and arms that we have patiently collected since my father’s time because we knew this day might come.
“We also have the weapons carried by the Afghans who, over the past 72 hours, have responded to my appeal to join the resistance in Panjshir.
“We have soldiers from the Afghan regular army who were disgusted by the surrender of their commanders and are now making their way to the hills of Panjshir with their equipment. Former members of the Afghan Special Forces have also joined our struggle.”