The Debate Over Biden’s Future: A Divisive Moment in American Politics

The New York Times Editorial Board's plea for Biden to withdraw from the 2024 race sparks a heated debate, as Democrats grapple with the potential risks and implications of his candidacy.

Amid rising concerns about his age and debate performance, calls for President Biden to step aside intensify within the Democratic Party

In a surprising turn of events, the New York Times Editorial Board has called on President Joe Biden to withdraw from the 2024 presidential race following his performance at CNN’s recent presidential debate. This plea has added fuel to an already intense debate within the Democratic Party about Biden’s viability as a candidate.

A Struggle on the Debate Stage

During the debate, Biden appeared to struggle with articulating his vision for a second term, countering former President Donald Trump’s provocations, and holding Trump accountable for his controversial actions and statements. The Editorial Board described Biden as “a shadow of a great public servant,” highlighting his frequent difficulties in completing sentences and effectively responding to Trump. This portrayal has led to concerns about Biden’s age and physical fitness becoming a central issue in the campaign.

A Reckless Gamble?

The Times editorial emphasized the risk associated with Biden’s continued candidacy, suggesting that there are other Democratic leaders better equipped to present a clear and energetic alternative to a second Trump presidency. The board warned against forcing voters to choose between Trump’s deficiencies and those perceived in Biden, framing it as a gamble too risky for the stability and security of the country.

Mixed Reactions from Biden’s Campaign and Allies

Biden’s campaign has pushed back against the criticism. Campaign co-chair Cedric Richmond dismissed the Times’ concerns, pointing to Biden’s past success despite not receiving their endorsement in 2020. Additionally, Mitch Landrieu, another campaign co-chair, expressed unwavering confidence in Biden, asserting that it would be Biden’s decision alone to continue his campaign.

However, the debate performance has set off alarm bells among top Democrats, with some questioning whether Biden can remain at the top of the Democratic ticket. Prominent Democratic figures like David Axelrod and Alex Wagner have openly expressed concerns about Biden’s ability to lead effectively, given his age and recent public stumbles.

Biden’s Public Stumbles: A Growing Concern

In the past year, Biden has experienced several public stumbling incidents, including trips and falls at high-profile events such as the G7 Summit in Japan, boarding Air Force One, and public appearances in Philadelphia and Finland. These incidents have fueled ongoing debates about his physical fitness and suitability for the presidency, despite assurances from the White House about his health.

A Complex Path Forward

Biden’s potential exit from the race would be a complex process. He is already the Democrats’ presumptive nominee with overwhelming support from primary voters and delegates. This current primary system, which empowers primary voters over party leaders, means it’s highly unlikely he’d be forced out against his will.

If Biden were to drop out, the process of selecting a new nominee could be contentious and divisive. Vice President Kamala Harris would be a top contender, but other potential candidates, such as California Governor Gavin Newsom, might also vie for the nomination. The Democratic National Committee would play a crucial role in filling any vacancy on the national ticket, potentially leading to a chaotic and politically fraught convention.

Calls for Unity and a Path Forward

Despite the criticism, Biden remains resolute. In a speech in North Carolina, he acknowledged his age and physical challenges but emphasized his commitment to truth, integrity, and his ability to perform the job. His advisers are working to reassure Democratic members of Congress, donors, and key supporters, emphasizing Biden’s strengths and the substantive portions of the debate that resonated with voters.

Senior Democrats like Nancy Pelosi and Jim Clyburn have defended Biden, highlighting his integrity and experience compared to Trump’s dishonesty. However, the broader Democratic world remains divided, with some calling for serious discussions about Biden’s future as the nominee.


The debate over Biden’s future is a critical moment for the Democratic Party and American politics. As the campaign moves forward, the party must navigate internal divisions, public perceptions, and the broader implications of Biden’s candidacy. Whether Biden continues or steps aside, the road to the 2024 election promises to be a challenging and defining journey for the Democrats.

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