Search Results for: heart disease
RGCB research finds possibility of heart disease risk reduction in diabetes patients
RGCB findings significant as they can lead to reduction of the risk of heart disease in patients with diabetes
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Sleep apnea worsens heart disease: Study finds
Obstructive sleep apnea can negatively impact patients’ health and increase the risk of cardiovascular events and death Health care experts urge increased
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One cup of leafy green vegetables a day keeps heart diseases away: Study
The research adds to growing evidence linking vegetables generally and leafy greens specifically with improved cardiovascular health and muscle strength New Edi
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Mobile health technology can be beneficial for adults with heart disease
Mobile health technology can be beneficial in encouraging lifestyle behaviour changes and medication adherence among adults Mobile health technology including f
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Higher risk of heart disease in type 2 diabetes patients
The findings of a new study suggested that patients, who suffer from type 2 diabetes and experience extreme swings
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Pregnancy complications increase the risk of heart disease in women
Pregnancy complications and early menopause increase women’s future risk of heart disease The study was published in the ‘European Heart JournalR
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Study Shows Walnuts May Have Calming Impacts that Diminish Risks of Heart Disease
This study lets us know the significance of walnuts and how calming it can be for a Human Body.
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Researchers inch closer to potential treatment for heart diseases
Washington D.C. [USA]– Researchers in a recent study have found a potential treatment for heart diseases that follow after a heart attack. The study was c
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How Sauna Bathing Can Improve Heart Health and Reduce Cardiovascular Risks
Discover the Science-Backed Heart Health Benefits of Regular Sauna Sessions. Sauna bathing has long been a cherished tradition in various cultures, particularly
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What ails India’s heart?
Lately, during the festive Garba event organised in the Kapadvanj Kheda of Gujarat, ten participants lost their lives to heart attacks within tha
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Press Releases
Scientists fabricate 2D protein monolayer that can help to study diseases like Amyloidosis
A 2D protein monolayer was fabricated by scientists by assembling lysozyme molecules -- model protein in studying diseases like Amyloidosis
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Wearable devices don’t enthuse people with cardiovascular diseases
A study finds that people at risk of cardiovascular diseases are not very keen on using wearable devices
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American Heart Association issues new set of guidelines
Eating brightly-coloured vegetables, whole grains and avoiding Palm oil can help to keep the heart healthy.
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Climate Change is now a disease, and it catches hold of its first patient
Canada’s British Columbia has diagnosed the world’s first patient with Climate Change.
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An aspirin a day keeps heart attack at bay- New study says otherwise
Aspirin prevents the formation of clots and is a blood thinner and this property is widely used as preventive medicine for preempting heart attacks.
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World Heart Day- Healthy lifestyle can preempt future heart ailments
The heart is the most hard working organ of the body and simple changes in life style can help it keep working efficiently
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Is COVID-19 a Respiratory Disease or a Vascular Illness, researchers are trying to unravel the truth
Inflammation is a natural response to trauma or any pathogenic invasion. Inflammation usually causes swelling, pain, redness and is an immune response by the bo
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Aspirin can reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes in patients with pneumonia
Aspirin use is associated with reduced ischaemic events after pneumonia in a primary care setting According to a new study, aspirin can reduce the risk of serio
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The study suggests stair climbing offers cardiovascular, muscular benefits for heart patients
Stair climbing is a safe, efficient, and feasible option for cardiac rehabilitation A new study has found that stair climbing provides significant cardiovascula
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