Unified Brainz

Press Releases

Dr. Marty Trevino exemplifies the quality of becoming a powerful leader by revolutionizing human-technology fusion

Dr. Marty Trevino is a visionary polymath who has dedicated his life to understanding the human brain and

Press Releases

Dr. Leslie Davis rightly demonstrates the trait of being a profound leader

Can a woman truly do it all? YES! As proved resoundingly by the inimitable Dr. Leslie Davis

Press Releases

Dr. James JC Cooley was felicitated as Unified Brainz global leader of the highest order

Recipient of the 44th (President Obama) Presidential Legacy Lifetime Achievement Award (2023) and the 46t

Press Releases

Gautam Boda earned the title of being a remarkable global leader by Unified Brainz

Gautam Boda was raised to uphold the legacy of Insurance, Excellence, and Service at the illustrious J.B.

Press Releases

Gagan Goswami makes his astute presence in the esteemed leader’s list by Unified Brainz

One of the most exciting things that happened in Gagan Goswami’s small village of 400 named Gandhi Sagar,

Press Releases

Dr. Wolfgang M. Partsch epitomises as a leader to look up to and was heralded by Unified Brainz

For every little or big thing that we buy and procure, we have to thank Dr. Wolfgang M. Partsch. Globally

Press Releases

Dr. Takahisa Karita’s dynamic persona as an extraordinary leader was honoured by Unified Brainz

Japanese origin Dr. Takahisa Karita has emerged as a Global Force by bringing Researchers and Entrepreneu

Press Releases

Unified Brainz acknowledged Dr. Sujata Dutta as a beacon of courage and conviction

Dr. Sujata Dutta’s remarkable journey towards becoming a Global IT Leader began with a passion for Math a

Press Releases

Unified Brainz praised Dr Obadare Peter Adewale’s staggering success as the flag bearer of African DigiTech

Dr. Obadare Peter Adewale’s (DrOPA) journey from modest beginnings to a Global Digital Leader is reminisc

Press Releases

Dr. Blythe Metz-Mändmets dashing persona and unbeatable charm were celebrated by Unified Brainz

The First Word that describes Dr. Blythe Metz-Mändmets is ‘multifaceted,’ and the Passion Word that descr

Press Releases

Douglas DiSanti’s ability to transform the world through firm leadership was celebrated by Unified Brainz

The courageous Douglas DiSanti did what only few in Corporate America dare to do – leave a high-powered j

Press Releases

Unified Brainz acknowledged Cynthia Pointer’s brilliant leadership and magnetic personality

Growing up in Richmond, Virginia, with her parents and elder brother, Cynthia Pointer was instilled with

Press Releases

Dr. Ching Ping Lee makes his astute presence in the esteemed leader’s list by Unified Brainz

As a Research Scholar at one of Asia’s top universities, Dr. Ching Ping Lee, affectionally known as Dr. C

Press Releases

Dr. Aashish Sharma’s exhilarating career was highlighted by Unified Brainz

The beautiful Himalayan kingdom of Nepal is known for many things, but ‘manufacturing’ isn’t one of them

Press Releases

Bala Sathyanarayanan was celebrated for being voted among the world’s Top Business Leaders

Bala Sathyanarayanan’s story is one of hope, passion, and global dominion. In a journey spanning from the

Press Releases

Rich Carr shone as a true leader and was commemorated by Unified Brainz

Unified Brainz is resolute in presenting and celebrating the exemplary careers of some of the most stalwa

Press Releases

Abdulrazaq Habib Khan Pathan’s infectious personality made him stand out from the crowd

In the realm of nation-building and humanitarian endeavors, Abdulrazaq Habib Khan Pathan stands as a beac

Press Releases

Ali A. Gonzalez’s dynamic persona as an extraordinary leader was honoured

Chef Ali A. Gonzalez claims he has discovered the secret of ‘food’. “After learning how food is made, I c

Press Releases

Amin Siddiqui unique personality and enigmatic charm was acknowledged by Unified Brainz

Amin Siddiqui entered the world of ‘Cybersecurity’ when the word itself was unheard of. After 3 decades o

Press Releases

Amy Forsythe was applauded for having an enigmatic personality with dynamic leadership skills

Amy Forsythe stands as an illustrious figure in military journalism, leaving an indelible mark on the wor

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