Mental health is slowly becoming a reason to seek a deviation
Guidelines to enhance self-reliance and trigger independent resilience: Mind Coach Radhika Kawlra Singh
Man’s evolution may not have included the kind of deviation humans made from a personal space of trust. As time moved humanity forward, mental health initially got impregnated to solely express an infinite belief in balance in mind and body. Today Mental well-being is becoming a promising fad that pries within a confined sacred space of spirit. What we focus on does expand. Are we seeking to discover the tendency that breaks the norms of a balanced life, or is mental well-being the recognition of an idea that will limit our deviation?
Mental well-being by no means should necessitate the need for Perfection. The quest to convert every ounce of our activity into an effective mechanism, achieve the highest success, and remain aligned with our inner calling – is a tough act. Yet, humankind is perpetuating the means to do that. Attaining true perfection requires an infinite resonation. If we had acquired the ability to recognize and believe that every kind of activity only guides a self-transformation, mental health would not have become as relevant. The restlessness that necessitates our response towards building newer unrealistic goals continues to sustain our need for perfection. Until we find the conviction that each of our responses purposefully propels us into an uncharted space of self-realization, we will continue to stay needy. We will continue to seek an activity that will help us feel balanced – and until then, mental health will remain an issue.
The world is teaching us to value what we know and trust how we can represent that knowing. Diversity is unquestionable, bringing forth a variety of opportunities. Communicating with others helps people speak about how they feel, for each one is making the best of the available options. People, in general, are less examining their reticence to share their abilities, sing, cook, look good or filter their failure or reveal their emotions. There is more room for mental well-being. While the process is promising of positivity, perhaps we can start at the base and understand why humankind is falling out of trust in itself.
Our daily trials create a lack within, and the only solution appears to be outside of us. We have slowly developed a calling to seek help and not rely upon our strength. There is no doubt that we will evolve faster and become steadier as individuals by making internal changes. That kind of resilience will happen when the entire community of humans chooses to examine the self and project well-being instead of dwelling upon a lack of self. Here are some guidelines to enhance self-reliance and trigger independent resilience.
A. There are enormous gaps in what people believe, what they do, and how they engage with their responsibilities. When you partake in an activity without a clear notion of what it represents, you tend to either under-perform or over-perform. In these circumstances, Mental health tends to become an issue, for you do not know how to meet your goals, as you never defined those in the first place. Engage with all activities with mindfulness.
B. Humans are creatures of want. Yet, since the brain is an accommodating mechanism, it remains flexible and encourages the mind to seek value through newer experiences only. The flexibility engenders a life-time of seeking yet always creates a state of dissatisfaction. This un-certainty generates the imbalance within. We may permit ourselves to feel assured, positive, and confident through the appraisal within; when we do that, we will start to find value in the challenges.
C. Everything in the universe is energy. Our thoughts also have power, and they are mechanisms of change. A baby cries as the first response to awakening to life. Unconsciously the answer to the cry facilitates an innate mechanism within the baby to build expectation. When we teach ourselves to lessen our expectations from anything external – we will find a greater sense of fulfilment. It is then that the definition of mental well-being will encompass everything we are capable of feeling ourselves.
Radhika Kawlra Singh is the author of the trilogy of ‘YOU’ books: ‘IT’S EASY TO BE YOU; Unlock your true potential,’ ‘YOU WILL BE OKAY: Embracing Social Distancing,’ and ‘YOU: Beyond Isolation.’ –